How to approach a hot stranger on Facebook?
Without feeling creepy and getting rejected, ignored or blocked
Have you ever texted a stranger on Facebook and never heard back?
Or maybe you did hear back but the conversation was flat, maybe you got even blocked or their reaction was rather turned off.
The reason for this is that Facebook is a social environment where one is sharing moments of their life with their friends. So with people they know, like and trust. They don’t expect romantical approaches from strangers, even though you are both members of the Nomad Soulmates group.
So if you as a ‘stranger’ enter their space and don’t want to be ignored it is important to gain their trust first.
We show you in this free PDF what in our experience works best to get in contact with amazing women and men on Facebook, without coming across annoying or creepy.
Instead, you will have great conversations and increased chances to meet your potential soulmate.
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