Entries by Aline


She thought I was sweet talking her

We didn’t meet through a dating app. In fact, I remember permanently deleting Tinder off my phone in early 2014 in Thailand. After an odd message exchange about the kind of exotic fruits this girl could fit inside her body, I was like, I’m done with this app! (And that pineapple sounds really painful.)

I quit dating in Chiang Mai

When you’re 32 you normally have a husband, maybe a child, a mortgage and a well paid job. You plan your future with your spouse and save money for a peaceful retirement. I was the opposite of that.

Last words every nomads ‘Love Story’ ends on

I was in the middle of the Philippines, at an old rusty dive resort where my travel buddy Jessica and I had decided to venture, getting out of Thailand for a few weeks. A nomad story begins – It was there that I met a guy connecting over the most cliche of things, my hot […]